Professional Learning Plan (PLP) Stage 1: Self-Reflection & Assessment

This term I began my Professional Learning Plan (PLP). I have decided to blog each stage of the process on my blog for documentation purposes.

Stage 1

Meeting 1: Introduction to the process. Teacher self-reflection and assessment of Teacher Professional Standards. The teacher reflects on their practice and completes the self-assessment tool and domains.

This process was quite useful for me. I used self-assessment rubrics provided by the school leadership team to rate my current abilities against the AITSL Standards.

Here is an example of what it looked like:

Standard 1_Know_Students_and_How_they_Learn:

Teacher Self-rating

Well-below expectation Below expectation Sometimes meets expectation Meets expectation Exceeds expectation Significantly exceeds expectation
Yes Yes

Comments: The one area where I feel I need further experience and development is 1.4 Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background.

I am interesting in exploring avenues and further opportunities/experiences that could cater for this enhancement in my practice.

In all other areas I meet expectations and feel I’m highly accomplished in 1.

I have completed rubrics and reflected on each AITSL Standard. Files attached below for your viewing.

Standard 2_Know_the_Content_and_How_to_Teach_It:

Teacher Self-rating

Well-below expectation Below expectation Sometimes meets expectation Meets expectation Exceeds expectation Significantly exceeds expectation



Comments: I feel that in areas of ICT I am highly accomplished and model high level teaching knowledge and skills with my work colleagues. There are some areas of the curriculum where I am not as confident, especially in Science and Mathematics. Assessment and reporting is an area I have identified as a challenge, sometimes I have higher expectations and read achievements at a lower standard than they actually are.

Mathematics is my main area of concern and is a subject I would like to explore further. I’m not particularly confident in my content knowledge teaching Upper Primary Mathematics. In particular I would like to learn the timing and delivery of each area that naturally leads onto the next area. I think Mathematics is very sequential and requires forward planning and this is something I require guidance with in Upper Primary.

Standard 3_Plan_for_and_Implement_Effective_Teaching_and_Learning:

Teacher Self-rating

Well-below expectation Below expectation Sometimes meets expectation Meets expectation Exceeds expectation Significantly exceeds expectation

Comments: I feel that this Standard is an area of strength. I have quite high professional standards and engage with content and processes, which demonstrate this.

Standard 4_Create_and Maintain_ Supportive_and_Safe_Learning_Environments:

Teacher Self-rating

Well-below expectation Below expectation Sometimes meets expectation Meets expectation Exceeds expectation Significantly exceeds expectation

Comments: This is also an area of personal strength. I pride myself in the ability to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment. I have spent time engaging in PD to enhance student well being.

Standard 5_Assess_Provide_Feedback_and_Report_on_Student_Learning:

Teacher Self-rating

Well-below expectation Below expectation Sometimes meets expectation Meets expectation Exceeds expectation Significantly exceeds expectation
Yes  Yes 

Comments: I see value in providing verbal and written feedback and modelling how to self-assess and peer-assess. This is an area I feel have been successful in especially using student blogs and reflective practices.

I feel that I do not refer back to student tests and results enough, I usually use them when reporting writing or preparing for interviews, but I think there needs to be a different approach to assessment rather than simply standardised tests. I would like to focus on collecting more relevant samples of work. Portfolios are changing for Year 6 with E-Portfolios, so this is an area I could look at more closely.

Standard 6_Engage_in_Professional_Learning:

Teacher Self-rating

Well-below expectation Below expectation Sometimes meets expectation Meets expectation Exceeds expectation Significantly exceeds expectation



Comments: I have been closely engaging with the AITSL Standards over the last year and incorporating what I do and how I achieve these standards on my blog. Any professional development I undertake becomes a blog post to document and record my learning and adds to my professional evidence of achievements. I feel that I am doing this well but I need to refocus some of my PD into my challenging subject areas such as Mathematics and Science. Being that I am working in the MYP, which has become very subject focussed, I’m not sure if this is worthwhile. I will be taking Language & Literature as a core subject so directing my PD towards that is also important.

Standard 7_Engage_Professionally_with Colleagues_Parents_Carers_and_the_Community:

Teacher Self-rating

Well-below expectation Below expectation Sometimes meets expectation Meets expectation Exceeds expectation Significantly exceeds expectation



Comments: This is also an area of strength. I pride myself in the ability to openly communicate with the school community. I make myself available face to face, via email, online learning platforms, attending school social functions/ events, accessible within the class etc. I have enjoyed working in the Year 6 open learning space. Team teaching has been a useful tool and opened up my ability to network and plan collaboratively. I have been engaging with other professionals via Twitter and blogging. I have been engaging with school documentation in particular the behavioural management policy and YCDI to assist with student management. I was also involved in the reviewing process of iPad & and safe technology use policies whilst in the iPad Steering committee.

After the self-assessment against AITSL Standards we were then asked to answer some reflective questions under five domains.

These were the domains:

1. Student Achievement

2. Relationships

3. Communication

4. School & Program Initiatives

5. Reputation

Here is an example of one of my responses :

(These were written in bullet points to elaborate on in meetings with leadership)

Domain 2 -Teacher Self Reflection Statement – Relationships 

How well do you build relationships in your school and its wider community?

To what extent do these relationships support the values, ethos and strategic intent of your school?

What has been achieved?

  • Trust and respect across class, school and community
  • Open communication
  • Happy students, parents and teachers
  • The development of lasting relationships beyond that class/ school year

What are the particular areas of strength?

  • Personalised education
  • Developing relationships and bonds with my students & parents
  • Personal Development (YCDI)
  • Recognising the potential of each individual

What are the personal leadership attributes and gifts that you bring to the role?

  • Creating a fun and comfortable, safe learning environment for students to thrive in.
  • Leading my students to discover personal strengths and potentials.

What are the organisational and performance barriers that have impeded personal effectiveness?

Nil, sometimes I’m a little too honest or can be guarded if having issues with a parent/ student.

If I am criticised for my efforts I get upset and take it personally instead of viewing it as constructive feedback.

What aspects of your role (if any) have not been addressed adequately by you?

Time, balancing workload, when I answer emails etc.

What are the aspects of performance that need to be improved?

I think that this is an area of strength.

This completed Stage 1 of the PLP Process.



Staff Professional Learning Plan: The Process in 2014

This year our school has developed a new Staff Professional Learning Programme to aid professional refection and refinement within our own areas of work. This process will allowed us to self-assess and monitor our professional needs. It will also assist us with the process of meeting AITSL Standards.

The Process of Evaluation & Goal Setting is as follows:

The whole evaluation process breaks down into seven identifiable stages.

1. Meeting 1: Introduction to the process. Teacher self-reflection and assessment of Teacher Professional Standards. The teacher reflects on their practice and completes the self-assessment tool and domains.

2. Preparation for Lesson Observation/s: 
The teacher meets with the member of the Leadership Team acting as supervisor to negotiate a lesson observation. Lessons will be filmed.

3. Student surveys: The teacher organises with their supervisor a time for the supervisor to administer the  student surveys with their class. Student surveys and lesson observations provide valuable feedback on teaching practices and areas that the teacher wishes to focus upon.

4. Review of Data & goal setting: The teacher collates and reviews the Self-Assessment of Teacher Professional StandardsStudent Surveys, and Observation Notes and builds their journal/portfolio in order to begin generating SMART GOALS using a set template.

5. Meeting 2:  The Action Plan
Review and Goal Setting: Teacher and supervisor meet to discuss the teacher’s action plan and SMART goals.  
The teacher and supervisor meet to review collated data and documentation. Goals are to be written in reference to the focus area within the AITSL professional standards and as SMART goals.

6. Meeting 3: Goal setting sign off: Teacher, Principal and supervisor meet to agree on collated data and SMART goals. This should occur within two weeks of meeting one.

7. Goal review meetings: 
Teacher and supervisor meet three times over the next 12 months to review and monitor progress of SMART goals.

I have been working through each of these steps and am currently up to Stage 5.

I am going to create a blog post about each step of this process to provide evidence of my journey and professional learning.

This is one way of formally documenting my progress to provide evidence for my school’s leadership team. I will also find this process useful to keep track of my goals and tick some of the AITSL Standard boxes.

Wish me luck!

The Child as a Learner (Staff Meeting Week 4 Term 1)

In Staff meeting this week were were asked to reflect on the following questions:

What is my image of the child as a learner?


I have always believed that we are born to engage and learn about our world. I feel that there is a natural curiosity instilled in all people. Children are are eager to absorb, inquire and question their world and the information they experience or knowledge which is given to them. They are also banks of knowledge from their own life experiences, ready to share and inspire their family, friends and teachers.

I see the learning child with bright eyes, burning questions, fidgeting fingers, crafting hands, open ears, thought filled voices and inquiring minds.

What are my professional views on how children learn?

There are so many different learning styles. I believe on personalised learning and catering for differentiation. This year my students did an online Myers Briggs Survey which helped them to identify their personality types and learning profiles. This survey identified their strengths, stretches, how they work best, who they work well with, how they can be supported in learning etc. Check out these links for more information:

I believe we need to cater for individual learning styles and allow for creativity and self expression.

What is my image of the teacher?

the teacher

The teacher can take many forms. You may automatically envisage the classroom teacher, at his/her board/desk working with children (as pictured above), but I think that there are many different types of teachers in disguise. For example; the children teach each other in class, parents are a child’s first teachers, we have coaches, counsellors, friends, family members, technology (Google/ YouTube etc), animals & environments etc. We learn from others who are involved in our lives and world, our teachers are everywhere.



My Personal Pedagogical Profile

Personal Pedagogy

As part of my school’s development of school vision, staff have been dedicating time to explore their personal pedagogy. This has been done through our IDEAS program to assist staff in developing a Professional Portfolio to benefit school direction.

These are some of the questions we have been asked to consider and respond to:

How do my personal talents and gifts shape my pedagogy?

What counts as a specialist ‘knowledge’ in my work?

What is my personal pedagogical philosophy?

3D Dimensional pedagogy

We were asked to participate in four tasks to assist us in discovering and refining our personal pedagogy.

This post will explain each of the tasks undertaken personally and my professional stance on my personal pedagogy.

 Task 1: My Motivation for Teaching.

Teaching for me has always been about developing relationships and bonds between students, families, staff and teachers. Once relationships are built we can work together to achieve common goals. Teaching and learning involves making connections with individuals to assist them with their personal development. I believe in the development of the whole child, not just the ability to meet curriculum outcomes. As an educator I am passionate about realising the potential and strengths of each child to assist them in achieving their goals. I believe in valuing the individual and helping them to contribute to our world in their own positive ways. The process of learning opens the world and mind. We are all on a learning journey and as a teacher I love to inspire, motivate, navigate and join in on the journey of lifelong learning.

Task 2: My Experience.

I have been teaching in primary schools for ten years. During this time I have taught across all year levels. I am a R-7 teacher and an Apple Distinguished Educator. I am currently working at an independent school, teaching Year 6 students.

I am continuously working towards developing my knowledge and understanding of the International Baccalaureate program in order to assist me with my teaching strategies. I have been working in the MYP( Middle Years Programme) for the past two years. In particular I have been developing my MYP planning skills and exploring the possibility of taking on specialty subjects across my year level. At this stage I would like to specialise in Humanities, Language A and Personal Development. I have been encouraged to explore the MYP further, attend more professional development and take in as much as possible, whilst also making sure that I am meeting the National Curriculum standards.

During our IDEAS session we were asked to reflect on an event that changed the way we teach. In the last three years I have been working in an Independent School, previously I worked in public education. This change of workplace has had profound effects on my teaching and learning. I went from working in a low socio-economic school with underprivileged students, with challenging behavioural and learning needs (full classes of 30 students) to a highly accomplished school with privileged students varying in academic abilities (Average class size of 20 students). This had huge ramifications on my teaching practice. I have had more time to focus on my teaching skills as opposed to my behavioural management strategies. I have also been able to cater for individualised learning, smaller class sizes have allowed more time to refine my strategies to cater for differentiation within my class.

I have identified that there are similarities between my students from both schools. Every child is an individual who requires guidance on their learning journey, in particular their social and emotional development. I believe that social and emotional well-being is of significant importance within education. Developing students ability to be resilient, confident, organised, persistent and get along with others (You Can Do It Education. The Five Keys of Success: is of great importance within all areas of learning. I have been teaching using the YCDI Programme for the last 5 years and have noted that the majority of my students have made academic improvements as a result of developing themselves in these areas. Using the positive habits of mind and developing self-confidence, setting personal goals and aiming to achieve them. It is due to my experience within this area of teaching and learning that I have developed a keen interest in studying counselling, to understand and assist my students with their development. I am considering studying part time in the near future to further my qualifications within this field.

Task 3: My Personal Profile

Part of the IDEAS staff task was to use the Myers Briggs model to identify our personality profile.

For more information about the Myers Briggs Model follow this link:

An online Myers Briggs Test can be found here:

I formally completed the Myers Briggs test in 2010 and was identified as an ENFJ. After our IDEAS session I still identified with the ENFJ preferences. This is what the letters stand for and how I identify with them.

The E stands for Extraversion:

This means I focus on the outer world of people and things. I am energised by what goes on in the world and I prefer to communicate more by talking than writing. I need experiences in the world in order to help me to understand it.

The N stands for Intuition:

This means I look for meanings, relationships and possibilities that go beyond the information from the senses. I look at the big picture and try to grasp overall patterns. I am an expert at seeing new possibilities and I value imagination and experiences.

The F stands for Feeling:

I make decisions based on person-centred values. When making decisions I consider how important the choices are to myself and others. When conversing with others, I tend to become sympathetic, appreciative and tactful. I value harmony and work hard to ensure my environment is harmonious.

The J stands for Judging:

This means that I prefer to live in a planned and orderly way. I endeavour to regulate and control my life by making sensible decisions, setting up routines and structures, being organised and settling or resolving issues when they arise.

I believe that my personality profile adequately mirrors myself privately and professionally. The main characteristics that reflect my teaching strategies are as follows:

  • Learning lessons through experiences- hands on learning, real life lessons, relevant and engaging content where students experience and participate.
  • Building relationships and developing students personally, especially in regards to their social & emotional well-being.
  • Balanced- organisation, planning, structure, predictability and routines which lead to consistency.

Task 4: My Assumptions, Beliefs, Philosophies that inform my practice.

This task saw us identify our personal beliefs about teaching. Here is an image of the task completed:

Personal Pedagogy

We also studied five different philosophies of teaching:

Type B: Behavioural Education- education for compliance and standards. People: Skinner & Tyler

Type C: Comprehensive Education- general education for life. People: Aristotle, Socrates, Plato & Piaget.

Type P: Progressive Education- education for problem solving in society. People: Dewey, Sizer & Spady.

Type S: Social Change Education- education for transforming society. People: Freire & Illich.

Type H: Humanistic Education- education for self actualisation. People: Carl Rogers, Maslow & Montessori.

My dominant philosophy of teaching lies within Type H, however I have strong identifications with Type S too.

Here are some links to information about educational philosophies associated with Type H:

Carl Rogers:



Here is my personal pedagogical philosophy based on the work I have done over the course of Term 4:

My Educational Philosophy

Students learn in a variety of different ways and as a teacher, I plan to meet individual needs. I am willing to learn new practices and teaching methodologies to assist my students with their learning goals.

To ensure I cater for the diversity within a classroom, I plan and program individual student learning goals to allow for differentiation. I work with students to set their own learning goals as well. I believe students should be aware of their personal achievements at school and also have input to what they want to learn about. I am keen to use structured and purposeful inquiry methods to teach students how to be life long learners to make relevant connections with our world.

I believe it is important to know where students are beginning in their learning journey in order to assist them with where they need to go. Therefore, frequent assessment and testing is critical in a child’s development. It is vital to keep this data to measure student successes and to build upon those successes. My assessments enhance accurate reporting to parents and fulfil my teaching duties and accountability.

It is my duty within the classroom and school setting to provide a stable and friendly learning environment for my students.  A nurturing and collaborative classroom environment will enhance student learning opportunities. I want my students to experience their own learning journey with some direction and guidance from myself to keep them on track with their learning goals and to extend them further. I want to be the facilitator of learning but also learn from my students. They have a world of knowledge and understanding from their own experiences in life. We are life long learners in a connected world.

Most of all I want student learning to be relevant, fun, engaging and purposeful. We never know what kind of world our students will be living in in the future, so developing life skills such as problem solving, creativity, ingenuity, cooperation, collaboration, risk taking, inquiring and effective communication can play an integral role in the development of a child for success in their adulthood.

Please leave me some feedback, I’m new to blogging and appreciate constructive criticism. Always craving to learn from others, please retweet me to educational professionals.

Jade Vidovich