Staff meeting today focussed on reading, analysing and interpreting the data from our year level, specifically focussing on Year 6 Reading Comprehension Strategies.
We compared TORCH results with one of our own school diagnostic assessments. There were some interesting discrepancies and we discussed comparing NAPLAN results with these to provide further clarity.
I sent out a request on Twitter to see if like-minded professionals could recommend a better diagnostic tool for us in Year 6. If you could suggest some please comment below.
I will speak with my colleagues, Paul Huebl and Andy Peartree to break this down further and create our year level SMART Goal in relation to how we are going to improve targeted student’s reading comprehension strategies and build on their skills.
At the end of this weeks staff meeting we looked at a process of self-reflection shared with me by Mary Hudson via Janet Farrall
The process is called NESW Reflections:
N is Need to Know
E is what am I Excited about?
S is Suggestions for the future
W is what is Worrisome?
Here is a photo of my NESW from our staff meeting today:
This is an ongoing process and hopefully we can make a difference by taking the data we have collected to make informed decisions about our teaching practices to improve student skills and understanding.
Alignment with AITSL Standards: 1.5, 3.2, 3.6, 5.4, 5.5
Hope that it went well!
Did you make a Powerpoint for this?
No sorry, I was not running this PD, just a participant.